Brielle's hair is getting longer. I have always said (for 13 years) that I was fortunate not to have to "do" a girl's hair! Nevermind me, SHE was fortunate. Then, I began practicing when Brielle's hair required it, and well, it actually became fun. The thing I thought I'd hate to do.
She's jumped on the cereal wagon, just like her male examples in our home. She has to use soymilk (or her skin breaks out) but she's not "allergic" to dairy.
Today is first day of Spring (I think). It's a perfect first day. It is 78 outside, the windows are open and the breeze is flowing through our house. Brielle enjoyed jumping on the trampoline this afternoon with her neighbor friend. She loves life and people so much. She enjoys watching Caillou off of Netflix. At the end of some of the episodes Caillou says that when he grows up he wants to be just like Daddy or Mommy. So Brielle has picked up on saying that too and I return the compliment by saying, "when I grow up I want to be just like Brielle." And I do mean that in a way. Of course I want the wisdom that can only be gained by time and going through the many learning experiences I've had...I want to have that growth. But at the same time I want to receive life and the kingdom of God like a child. She LOVES life and people. She finds joy in bubbles, sunshine, family, friends (everyone is a friend - but she sure has begun to treasure those she has seen more often), going some place, being close to her Mommy, Daddy, brothers...
The Little Children and Jesus
13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.
She finds joy in things that are not material and she never worries about her needs being met. How can I watch her and not want to be at least like that about her? Ahhh...sweet love.
Josh and Tyler spend most nice hours of the day outdoors playing basketball. I hear Josh now has his iPod connected to speakers out there now and they are listening to that while they play. His friend from school is over now too. Earlier they were in the kitchen reviewing the Drivers' Permit information across the table. His friend goes for the test tomorrow. Josh has definitely asked about his. I savor this. It is a great joy of my life to watch him become his own guy.
Tyler, ever perceptive, is always learning and sharing his knowledge and information with me. I let him educate me (mostly), even if the subject is less than interesting (to me). I like watching the way he contemplates situations and his surroundings. He is very thoughtful and likes to shares his opinions. He offers many suggestions and calls me out on things occasionally, and I try to take it in stride, but ya know....I have to make sure it isn't saturated in bad attitude. Ah, but we all have attitude from time to time. Tyler is the "keeper of Fair." I like when he notices my inconsistencies and brings them to my attention (in the long run). Ha!
We've been softball practicing. It's nice outside and I love it. The dogwoods are blooming like big puffs of snow balls, and on bike rides I can take in their splendor a little more slowly. But I'm puffing harder with that trailer on the back that Brielle rides in. That's fine though, I need the exercise, and we need this economical way to get to the store. Yesterday, we all took a bike ride to the store. Yes, that is Will included. It was quite enjoyable. The trees in my backyard have not yet budded. That is like me. Just waiting. Being patient. Spring sometimes comes slowly, but doesn't mean that it isn't still pleasant to watch coming.