We will start with the belly button thing. Some kids have pacifiers still (Brielle is 17 months now), some blankies, some their thumbs, some maybe even still their bottles…Brielle has her belly button. She calles it Bopi. That is also the same word she uses when she wants to nurse, which also means belly button, meaning she wants my belly button or hers also, I never know which one she‘s going to use.
She just puts her finger to her belly button every time she feels scared, nervous, or uncertain. It’s adorable.
She’s saying many intelligible words and many that aren’t. I don’t worry or compare or even wonder at this age (or ever) because their abilities and learning environments are all so different! She does seem to us to be an absolute genius of course.
She climbs on everything. She will climb right up to standing on the table, on the backs of the couches, wherever. She is getting very good at it, I’m thinking about her career in wall scaling (in the future of course, not just yet).
Her hair is growing which makes me a little anxious if I think about it. I fear she is going to look like a rag top head girl because either I won’t know how to fix her hair right or she won’t let me! So, I’m especially hoping it stays just like it is, short and cute, curly in the back but not in her eyes in the front, for……ever. J
Well, now the that the month is nearing its end I am surprised at how much has actually happened that I knew would, but it seemed almost surreal. Kelly E. had her baby. A beautiful angel named Eliana. I held her. She is perfect. And she never made a sound the three hours we were there.
We drove to New Jersey and back. It took us 14 hours to get there. We stayed two days, then drove back 14 hours. Both times we drove overnight. The drive there didn’t work out so well, but everyone was tired on the way home (including us drivers, unfortunately) so they slept.
As for my garden: God is good! He grows. I just wait. I try to “tend” to it, but still am not sure what I’m really doing. I can’t wait to eat a tomato off the vine one day!!! Until then, there is always the Downtown Farmers’ Market!
Well, it turned out to a sunny Memorial Day after all. I had an overload of pictures to share, so here they are. I’m off to grill out burgers and wash the dishes. God bless all of you!
What she climbs onto on the front porch (no batteries yet):
Sing, Baby, Sing
This is a totally great CD that Brielle got from her PopPop (so great it put her to sleep!). I did NOT stage this photo!
Yes, this is the township of Brielle, NJ. We passed by that quaint little city on the water on our way to Point Pleasant, NJ.
Brielle, meet the Jersey Shore:
Well, it's not Florida, but hey, it is the OCEAN!
We stayed with Will's cousin, Ronica, the first night in NJ. She took us to Point Pleasant.
Brielle's first EVER ride on an amusement park vehicle! She cried at first! Then she realized she wasn't moving "away" from me but kept coming back around....then she loved it.
Then she became an amusement park pro:
At H&S Strawberry Farms back in Claksville:
Going for the belly button at cousin Cheyenne's fifth grade graduation:

Today on the front porch in her leotard/tutu (a gift from our new friend, Amelia)

Taken today...May 25, 2009
Today on the front porch in her leotard/tutu (a gift from our new friend, Amelia)
Taken today...May 25, 2009
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